
Donate ✩

Make a difference

Why give?

Donating to our cause means directly investing in the future of those affected by poverty. Your support provides the tools, resources, and guidance needed to help individuals and families break the cycle of poverty, empowering them to create lasting change and build a better life. Together, we can make a tangible impact and transform lives.

Used for?

Donations to our organization are used to provide essential resources and services, including Staff pay, educational programs, volunteer training, occasional dinners, and other necessities. Your generosity directly helps people in need take steps toward a better life.

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Giving FAQs

  • Although we receive funding from fundraising, GROW GREEN, and organizations around Manhattan, personal monetary donations are used to help fund our staff, Tuesday night dinners, helping our participants with needs, and programming supplies for adults and children.

  • Our staff holds a variety of experiences that qualify them to work with our participants and volunteers at Thrive! You can check our staff page for specific details, but our staff holds a variety of skill like: high education status, life experience with poverty, experience with the education system and more!

  • There are ways to donate other than money! We invite you to provide a meal for one or more of our Tuesday night meetings, or donate your time as an ally helping our participants directly. There is also the opportunity to become a board member or work on one of our committees planning fundraisers or being apart of outreach.